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Jameson English

I like pitch decks. A lot. Sure, it's a dorky thing to obsess over, but it's pretty cool to help other people bring their vision to life. Whether it’s for the newest binge-worthy series or an investment proposal for the next industry-changing app, it’s all about storytelling. 


Unfortunately, most decks resemble high school PowerPoint presentations that were scrambled together on a decades-old library computer during the last ten minutes of lunch. And to make things worse, the executives who are going to decide your fate have shorter attention spans than…


What were we talking about?

Right. Pitch decks. They need to paint vivid stories that let executives forget that they are looking at a business proposal. It doesn’t matter who you are, a great pitch provides legitimacy to you and your project. Right now, you’ve got a groundbreaking idea, but it’s trapped in black and white on a Word document. Let me help you visualize your concept and move those pesky money guys into action. 

Jameson English


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